To go beyond:

international education
for a better
world future society

We are an organization specialized in international education that believes that learning should not be limited to classroom walls or geographical boundaries.

We believe that the key to transforming the world is through education. Quality education that is practical, understandable and accessible to all.

That is why we have developed experiential learning programs, which encourage learners to connect with the environment and people outside their usual surroundings.

This connection will result in rich and impactful learning in various aspects of your life and that of others involved in the program.

Who wish to expand their classroom


Who wish to develop a new worldview


Who wish to make a positive impact


Partner Universities
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Partner Companies
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Educational programs
+ 0
Learners from all over the globe
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To go Beyond:

About us

Since 2010 we have been the connecting element that promotes and sustains a global network of students, teachers, educational institutions, companies, problems, solutions, questions and answers.

We understand that it is our mission to develop international education programs that are inclusive and meaningful to society,  offering Universities the opportunity to fill this invisible gap in the curriculum through international experiential learning.

Our goal is to offer students the opportunity to develop a real vision on pressing global issues, a turning point experience that will create new frames of reference and the motivation to make our future greater than we imagined and, the world, a better place.

They trust in our purpose

And are part of our history.

A certified B Corp

As a company committed to act with a positive purpose, we are a B Corp.

Logo Campus b branco sem tagline-05
to go beyond

Rua Helena, 140 cj 103

São Paulo – SP – Brazil, 04552-050

+ 55 11 3845-0550